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29 August 2003

Sickening fact:

30,000 Americans a year killed by pollution from old industrial plants

More Info:

People Pressure for Clean Air, click for audio

I like Clinton much better when he is lying about getting blow jobs

When Bill Clinton, the man who was impeached because he lied about something as unimpeachable as getting head, was asked about Bush's lies on Iraq all he had to say was that intelligence can often be difficult to interpret. He is going easy on the Bush administration because he wants Bush to win in 2004. Why? you may ask. Because he wants Hillary to win in 2008. I am convinced that is why both he and Hillary have their heads so far up Bush's ass they can choke on his pretzels. Both Clinton's are convinced that Hillary will be the first woman president when she runs in 2008. They are banking on the country (whatever would be left of it after another 4 years of Bush) wanting a change by then. Certainly, even the moderate to right of center Clinton's could attack the Bush administration right now on just about anything and everything: the economy (millions of jobs lost, half a trillion in debt this year), civil rights (right wing judges, one word: Ashcroft), the environment (the Bush administration actually thought Christie Whitman was an environmental radical!), 9-11 (stonewalling investigating committee, forced EPA to lie about dust hazards, no Osama yet), Iraq (uranium from Niger: lie, chemical and biological weapons: lie, Saddam involved in 9-11: lie), and the list goes on and on. Hillary (actively trying to shed her 'liberal' image) is basically a Republican now, much like Joe Lieberman, and a candidate of that ilk is the last thing we need at this point.
The US did the terrorists a "favor" in Iraq

I was just listening to NPR. They report that Isalmic militants are "flocking" to Iraq because it still has no legitimate government and the terrorists are ecstatic with the idea of ridding the country of its non-Muslim occupiers. A militant interviewed said the US did his cause a favor by removing Saddam Hussein because Islamic fighters can now slip in and out of Iraq with impunity to hide or plan future attacks, much like the safe haven Afghanistan provided under the Taliban. Before the US attacked Iraq, the terrorists had to trek all the way to Afghanistan or northwest Pakistan to plot and train for attacks. Now they just cross the thousand mile, mostly unprotected, border from Saudi Arabia (where fifteen of the nineteen 9-11 hijackers came from) into Iraq (Iraq, virtually no terrorists before US invasion, now probably thousands) where our troops are like sitting ducks. Afghanistan is in chaos, due to rival faction infighting and the return of the Taliban to parts of that country, and Iraq is fast becoming more chaotic and dangerous every day, in other words an Afghanistan in the making, but worse. All this for a mere five billion a month! With this kind of success who needs failure.

26 August 2003

The United States Government, Corporations and Foreign Dictators: an alliance of terror
A series of articles on the overthrow of democratically elected governments
First in the series: The CIA backed coup in Iran

In 1953 the CIA and their British counterparts planned and accomplished a coup in then non-fundamentalist governed Iran, overthrowing the government of democratically elected Mohammad Mossadegh. This action was directly responsible for bringing the Shah to power and a reign of murder and terror to the Iranian people ultimately leading to the Iranian Islamic revolution and the totalitarian state of affairs that exists in Iran today.

I am going to summarize some points from the discussion on the radio program Democracy Now! However, I do encourage all to also go to their website and read the full transcript of yesterday's program on the issue. Host Amy Goodman spoke with Stephen Kinzer author of All the Shah's Men: An American Coup And The Roots of Middle East Terror .

Some historical background is necessary. The early twentieth century saw the discovery, in Iran, of the largest oil well ever found. It was discovered by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company which had set up shop in Iran. Hundreds of millions of dollars of oil was pumped from Iranian soil with the British holding the monopoly and thus most of the profits. Holding a monopoly on the oil allowed Britain to only have to give 16 percent of the profits to Iran. Keeping this flow unimpeded was of principal importance to the British government and its corporations. Meanwhile nationalism of the post-World War II era had spread to Iran where people began to rightfully expect to keep the profits from their countries' resources. A charismatic politician named Mohammad Mossadegh sought to give the people of Iran control of their resources by nationalizing companies like Anglo-Iranian (the British empire's largest company) Oil who were robbing the country. The astonished British government vowed not to let the people have their oil. The British plan to go to the United Nations to get back the company failed when Mossadegh himself went to the UN to argue his case. The UN body was so impressed by presence and argument that they refused to have him give up the company to the Brits. The coup idea, always on the table, was now front and center. Mossadegh found out and closed the British embassy sending all the secret agents planning the coup from the embassy back to England.

Enter the United States on the scene. The British turned to President Truman for help. He said no way. Claiming that the CIA had never overthrown a government, and never should as far as he was concerned. The British were tapped out. There was nothing they could do. That was the situation until 1952 when President Dwight Eisenhower came into power. Reversing the Truman policy of not (apparently not, anyway) overthrowing governments, the Eisenhower administration dispatched Kermit Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt's grandson, to Iran to carry out the coup.

Stephen Kinzer, author of All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror, in describing how Kermit Roosevelt, Near East director for the CIA, slipped into Iran at the end of July 1953 and started a series of events leading to the coup 3 weeks later he became aware of "how easy it is for a rich, powerful country to throw a poor, weak country into chaos" (also see US action in Iraq, Chile etc. further supporting this assertion). With the goal of tossing the whole of Iran into chaos , Roosevelt bribed politicians, newspaper editors, reporters, and religious leaders to begin an attack campaign of lies against Mossadegh to cause his downfall. He bribed street thugs and military officers to come in to beat, torture and murder all those opposing the coup. Some pretending to be communist pro-Mossadegh rioters and others, whose job it was to attack the first mob, as pro-Shah. All this by the way was accomplished with US taxpayer dollars but without these same taxpayers knowledge and consent. .

In comes Norman Schwarzkopf, not Gulf War Schwarzkopf, but his Dad. The elder Norman Schwarzkopf (I wish these guys would stop having kids) spent many years in Iran and was a great influence on the Shah. Kinzer goes on to explain that Schwarzkopf's purpose, in the first coup attempt, was to force the timid Shah (the US creates these guys and inevitably suffers the blowback) into to signing some document, rigged by the US of course, ordering the removal of Mossadegh from power. The coup initially failed , but Roosevelt against the advice of the CIA, stayed and tried again

Apparently, this document was never signed. However, Iran was thrown into chaos and the coup was successful anyway. On August 19, 1953, after a hundred people were killed at Mossadegh's house, he was arrested. The Shah who had fled after the failed first coup attempt came back and thus began 25 years of a brutal and repressive government.

Discussing the real reasons for the US entry into this disgraceful episode, Ervand Abrahamian, Middle East and Iran expert at Baruch College, explains that the US government and its business community were as concerned about oil, and who controls it, as the Brits were. The US did not want the people who own the oil (i.e. Iran and Venezuela) to control it. Abrahamian claims that Iran, by nationalizing the British oil industry, "would have set an example...seen as a threat to U.S. oil interests throughout the world, because other countries would do the same." To borrow the term, you might say a sort of fear of the ludicrous and debunked "domino theory of states falling to communism", but in this instance applying to states nationalizing oil production, was the fear of US imperialist interests. If that happened the US government and its corporations could no longer, steal it, lets call it what it is folks, from these nations. Thus, nationalization was completely abhorent to US interests and they were intent on doing anything to prevent it.

Truman, Ike and the British all wanted to keep the oil in their hands and most importantly in their control. As Abrahamian says, the difference was only in tactics. Truman thinking he could get Mossadegh to give up on nationalization through having Parliament or the Shah get rid of the enormously popular leader (as tried). Point being that Truman had no moral repugnancy to the idea of overturning a democratic election and robbing a nation of its resources. The coup was being worked on by the British and the US before Ike, but only put into action after the realization that Mossadegh had too much popularity to be removed by politics alone. They decided on violence and murder, ultimately, and as so aften happens when forcing brutal anti-democratic regime change bent on imperialism, bringing to power a regime of the same.

As Kinzer so succinctly puts it, the US "sent a message, not only to Iran, but throughout the entire Middle East... that the United States does not support democratic governments (but)... prefers strong-man rule that will guarantee us access to oil." Thus, today we hypocritically call for democracy in the Middle East when all we ever really wanted was dictators that allowed us to exploit their resources. Human rights, freedom and democracy was not a factor then and is not one now. Don't let good ole' Bush and his lying warmongers try to tell you Iraq was about saving the Iraqi people or anyone else for that matter from a brutal dictatorship bent on murder and torture. Everyone should know those same dictators we now demonize were made by the USA with our tax dollars. We claimed ignorance to their crimes while the getting was good for us. Once the gravy train stopped; they had to go to save the people. The same people we never gave a crap about before and don't now either.

More info:

1953: U.S. overthrows Prime Minister Mossadeq of Iran and installs Shah as dictator

25 August 2003

Three US corporations agree to stay out of Alaskan forest

KB Home, Hayward Lumber and Staples, Inc. oppose a proposal by the Bush administration, supported by most Republicans in Congress, to lift a ban Clinton put in effect preventing road building and development in Alaska's Tongass and Chugach National Forests. These are old growth forests with diverse wildlife and beauty. The fact that that moron in the White House and his co-conspirators in Congress would ever think of touching these forests when so many forests have already been destroyed is an impeachable offense in and of itself! Logging has already destroyed ALL of the old growth forests on the east coast and 97% of those on the west coast. What has happened to our forests and wildlands is a national disgrace. I propose that any fool in elected office that proposes causing any more damage to whats left of the beauty that preceded our arrival in this country should be thrown out of office immediately.

Three Companies Oppose Forest Proposal
Hey Mr. President, say hello to your new neighbors!

Guess who has moved into the president's little hideaway in Crawford, Texas. Peace Activists! Dallas peace activist, John Wolf, paid $54,000, raised by selling $1 dollar peace buttons at rallies, for a house near Bush's ranch. In fact, it is not far from a gas station where the president picked up coffee last week. People who help care for the house say its a place peace activists can go and feel comfortable when visiting Crawford. Sounds good to me. Now all we got to do is get Bush out of the White House and back to Crawford to stay.
Protest in Seattle day after Bush's visit

On Saturday, hundreds of protesters, myself included, marched along the Seattle waterfront to show our dissatisfaction, thats putting it mildly, with the right-wing, anti-democratic policies of the Bush administration. This, following an anti-Bush rally at Seattle's historic Pike Place Market on Friday, the day of his visit. I was also at that rally. It too had a sizable turnout and a great vibe. Other Friday protests occurred across the lake on Seattle's eastside and in Tacoma. All rallies were peaceful, as most anti-war and anti-Bush rallies are. The mainstream media often likes to inflate minor skirmishes with police that sometimes do occur into the principle story of the protest, missing the actual tone and message of the event entirely.

Info on Saturday protest:

Hundreds protest Bush a day after visit

24 August 2003

GDP drenched in blood

The murderous and unprovoked attack on the people of Iraq seems to be responsible for an uptick in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The US buildup of its own "weapons of mass destruction" accounted for 1.7% of the 2.4% GDP annual rate for the second quarter, topping estimates of 1.5% growth. This highly disturbing fact buttresses the idea that the US government and American corporations support war and aggression because its good for business. The military industrial complex (corporations, US armed forces, and the federal government joined in a conspiracy for money and power) salivates over the thought of the billions in taxpayer dollars that go into the buildup of a mammouth and deadly US weapons arsenal. In fact, defense spending has risen 44.1%, the highest rate since the third quarter of 1951!

For more on the Military Industrial Complex:

CorpWatch: Military Industrial Complex

The real story behind the problems in Liberia

Great article on the roots of the violence and chaos in Liberia. Guess who is behind it all, thats right, US corporations! Imperialist corporations in the United States are largely responsible for the present disaster and destruction in Liberia.

22 August 2003

Worthy Reads:

Civil Rights

Free Speech

Free speech activist defeats computer industry

Drug policy

Vancouver to take new approach with legal injection site for addicts


Save the Redwoods Boycott the Gap!

Environmentalists Warn of Roads, Dams in Amazon

Human Rights

Argentina Repeals Amnesty Laws Protecting Ex-Military From Prosecution

Iraq and Afghanistan

U.S. Troops Provoke Anger, Fear in Afghan Villages

Coalition forces in Iraq begin to be deserted by their allies

Iraqi exiles ready to walk out on US

Afghan resistance takes shape

War casualties overflow Walter Reed hospital

US general condemns Iraq failures

A Price Too High

Civilian deaths stoke Iraqis' resentment

US Debates Bid to Kill Hussein and Avoid Trial

Soaring costs of 'rescuing' Iraq

Iraqi civilians gunned down in US military raids

US Politics

Texas Republicans impose heavy fines on boycotting Democratic legislators

Bush Approval Slips - Fix Economy, Say Voters

The Case for Impeachment

Workers Rights

Child labor laws fail boys killed on job

White House got EPA to lie about safety of air after WTC collapse

AP article says the EPA, at orders from the White House, and without doing adequate testing, put out statements after the WTC collapse that sought to assure the public that the air was safe to breathe. Thus, people may have been needlessly exposed to contaminants such as PCBs, soot and dioxin. In fact, the air had not returned to pre-Sept. 11th levels until June 2002 which was well after hundreds of workers who came in contact with the dust began to suffer respiratory ailments and other problems. The EPAs internal inquiry also brought to light a previously unknown "collaboration process" between the National Security Council or NSC (Bush's forum for discussing national security and foreign policy matters with his aids and cabinet), the White House Council on Environmental Quality (never heard of it) and the EPA. The NSC had to clear any information the EPA sought to report. This resulted in public safety policy decisions being based on politics instead of science. Further damning, is the revelation that the Bush administration actually forced the EPA to leave out directions for workers on how to deal with airborne dust and indoor spaces polluted with asbestos, lead, glass fibers and concrete. It is clear that the Bush administration and its allies' hunger for power and self-preservation trumps the safety and well being of the citizens of the United States or anywhere else.

NY Times Editorial on issue:

Dust and Deception

Just back from anti-Bush rally

Bush came into Washington state today to grab a quick 1-2 million dollars from douche bags who paid $2,000 each to hear him speak (funny, I'd pay to stop him from speaking) at the disgustingly large and obnoxius estate of cell phone billionaire Craig McCaw. According to an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, US taxpayers are getting part of the bill for what is essentially a fund raising trip to the west coast for his 2004 campaign. You see, as long as he mixes his cash grab with "public events" like talking about salmon restoration (ironic since his water policy in Oregon recently killed thousands of salmon in the Klamath River, but more on that later) taxpayers get to foot the exorbitant costs associated with shuttling this fool and his entourage around the country. Thus, we, the taxpayers, get to pay for half the hotel, car and other expenses the millionaire in the White House runs up. We get to pay the full amount, get ready for this, of the $57,000-an-hour it costs to operate Air Force One!

Bush politics kill salmon

Now back to my earlier point, this chief hypocrite actually had the balls to come to Washington state and claim that he supports salmon runs. This is the same president who, according to an article on the website Common Dreams, had Karl Rove, his political strategist, intervene on the side of greedy, water sucking Oregon farmers over endangered salmon in a dispute involving water flows in the Klamath River. Conservationists and Native-American tribes want the water for threatened fish species which include downriver salmon. The farmers want it for irrigation. With the help of Karl Rove, the farmers have been getting their way. In March 2002, the federal government ordered water set aside for the dwindling salmon population to be released to the farmers. This disastrous policy decision made by a political operative solely for political purposes (to bolster support among northwest farmers), resulted in in the killing of 33,000 precious salmon in one of the largest fish kills in US history. Bush and Rove are directly responsible for this tragic event. In fact, a federal judge has ruled the Bush water plan was based on "flawed science." The truth is that Bush's policies are based on lies. Lies on the environment, the economy, the war with Iraq, the war on terror and just about everything else. The lies are meant to conceal a right-wing fascistic agenda narrowly crafted to benefit only religious zealots, corporations, and warmongers. Unfortunately few in the mainstream media, the spineless Congress or the unquestioning public like to point this out.

Seattle anti-Bush rally information:


Sound Nonviolent Opponents of War

Majority Visibility Project

Bush To Visit Northwest Next Month

19 August 2003

"Sweet Home Alabama," the US military is burning their chemical weapons down by you!

Free Speech Radio News (FSRN) reports that the US government is planning on going ahead with its plans to incinerate chemical weapons; yes I said incinerate chemical weapons in Anniston, Alabama. We have all heard of chemical weapons. Those are the weapons we were told Saddam Hussein had. Well, he doesn't have any, but we have lots. So we are incinerating some. Don't worry though because we'll make more, deadlier ones! The people are protesting, but, (borrowing another line from Skynyrd) in Anniston anyway, they don't all "love the governor." Thats because the Republican governor of Alabama stopped protesting the incineration. I wonder who got to him? Certainly no one in the Bush administration or their henchmen! One thing though governor, does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth.

18 August 2003

Welfare rolls go down, but number in poverty goes up

Free Speech Radio News (FSRN) reports that so called "welfare reform" passed by Congress and signed by Bill Clinton in 1996 is currently responsible for thrusting more people into poverty. The meager safety net welfare used to provide is no longer available to the millions who cannot find work.

The US miltary: free to loot and pollute

Free Speech Radio News (FSRN) reports that the desire to consolidate the 96 bases the US has in South Korea will force the eviction of 350 farms that will have to be removed to accomodate the movement of soldiers into fewer but larger bases. Evictions by the US army of people off their own land is nothing new for the Korean people. It has been going on since the Korean War. In fact, the US already has 2 of its largest bases in the world in South Korea. Equally as shocking is the fact that under the US Status of Forces Agreement the US military is exempt from most environmental laws ! Thus, the United States miliitary releases untreated oil runoff from its bases into irrigation canals used by South Korean farmers. FSRN spoke to the farmers who say the river "turns black" and "turns really really black" when it does not rain for awhile. They also say the "fish are black... and smell like oil," but before they were "delicious." Adding insult to injury is the fact that the South Korean farmers themselves have to clean the oil out of the rivers causing them to seemingly get some kind of rash on their legs because farmers say their legs "turn red." Thus, the United States, the big bully of the world, forces others to clean up the mess it itself makes.

Cameras are not rocket propelled grenades

American soldiers shot and killed an award winning camerman filming a US run Iraqi prison. Reuters reports that Mazen Dana, a Palestinian, who worked for Reuters was filming the prison with the express knowledge and permission of US armed forces in the area. Further perplexing is that the incident ocurred in the afternoon daylight. They were about to leave after filming the prison when a tank leading a convoy pulled up. Dana got out of his car to film and was "noted and seen clearly" by the US troops according to Dana's soundman who was traveling with him. It was then that he was shot. He died at the scene. According to a statement by the US military, the US soldiers thought his camera was a rocket propelled grenade.

17 August 2003

War on Afghanistan and Iraq puts US at higher risk of terrorist attack

More evidence that George W. Bush's "war on terror" is helping no one but, the US military industrial complex, corporate criminals intent on exploiting foreign resources (i.e. Haliburton), and the terrorists, comes from a world market research study out of London. The report says another 9-11 style terrorist attack here is "highly likely." This due to the fact that, "U.S.-led military action in Afghanistan and Iraq has exacerbated anti-U.S. sentiment." In fact, the study puts the US at fourth. Making it barely safer than Columbia, Israel, and Pakistan, but more at risk than, get ready for this, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iraq and India!

16 August 2003

Hempfest Seattle

Just returned from hempfest here in Seattle. Actions that will send you to prison in the United States include: growing or selling marijuana, robbing to feed or care for your family, and exercising your constitutional right to freedom of speech in peaceful nonviolent protest. Actions that will not send you to prison in the United States include: murdering thousands of human beings in preemptive imperialistic wars, robbing other people of their life savings making yourself rich in the process, producing and poisoning air, land, water and food with deadly chemicals, chopping down ancient pristine forests, and developing weapons of mass destruction by and for the US military. The reality that those who grow and enjoy a harmless plant are persecuted while destroyers of life, environment and well being are left unscathed, in fact rewarded, for their actions is disgusting and represents one of the greatest injustices we face as a society.
95% of Americas old growth forests have been destroyed

If that isn't heartbreaking enough, The real criminals in our society, like Boise Cascade, want to tear down what remains. Most of which are inside the national forests.

More information:

Rain Forest Action Network: Boise briefing paper

14 August 2003

Another post in the "US to world on Iraq: This land is our land" series
Note to US military: Tearing down Islamic banners won't win you friends in Iraq

Even the Shiites want us out. According to an article by the AP, US soldiers have 24 hours to get out of a neighborhood east of Baghdad "otherwise we are not responsible for whatever reactions the U.S. soldiers might face if they entered the city", says the Shiite group Al-Sadr. This after US troops in a Black Hawk helicopter were trying to rip down an Islamic banner atop a communications tower. Someone in the crowd of protesters then fired a rocket propelled grenade. In response US soldiers fired back killing one and injuring four others.

Update: AP reports US apologizes to the people of the neighborhood for the incident. Military now says it is possible the banner may have been taken down intentionally by US soldiers. This is a retreat from their earlier posture of maintaining that the banner was blown down by "rotor wash" from the Black Hawk. Implying that the incident was an accident. Although the area seemed calmer after the apology, A new banner on a building near the incident read: "The Americans should not be allowed to enter the city again because of the blood shed in their aggression yesterday." Best way to prevent these types of events from occurring in the future is for the US to end the occupation of Iraq now. Its time to get out of Iraq, especially since we had no right to be there in the first place.
French government sits and watches as heat kills thousands

French suffer through worst heat wave since 1947. Read on for more.
Robin Hood in reverse

Millions in tax cuts going to the filthy, disgusting rich while the poor lose savings and homes due to job loss and past welfare "reform". Read on for more.

12 August 2003

As Bush takes month long vacation, families say send Bush to Iraq and troops to his ranch

An article in the AP reports the disgust and anger that the military and their familes feel on news that the troops currently in Iraq are to spend at least another year on active duty where they have been suffering daily attacks. A poster who goes by the name "Bette" on the web site of Military Families Speak Out says, in discussing her son-in-law's companies' two-day vacation versus the presidents month long safe and relaxing vacation on his sprawling ranch, that we should "send all of the troops to President Bush's ranch and send the President to Iraq". Military families and the soldiers themselves have had enough. They want the soldiers home. The increasing outcry from the ranks and their families clearly shows the crisis this administration faces in the quagmire that is the Iraqi occupation. The soldiers and their families know the president, his administration, and their warmonger allies in Congress lied to them to justify a war that was unjustifiable.

Further reading:

Military Families Speak Out

Bring Them Home Now

Support Network for an Armed Forces Union

11 August 2003

32 yrs later Agent Orange still poisoning the Vietnamese

Agent Orange, a "weapon of mass destruction" that the United States likes to try and forget it used on the Vietnamese people and American soldiers from 1962 to 1971, still brings pain and suffering decades later. Agent Orange is a defoliant that was used to destroy the forests of Vietnam with the goal of exposing and starving the Vietnamese soldiers. In a study published in the August issue of The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, it was revealed that 95% of Vietnamese in an area 20 miles north of the former Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh city, were found to have elevated levels of the most toxic of the dioxins present in Agent Orange. Agent orange, unexploded cluster bombs, and depleted uranium weaponry all leave a lasting legacy of death and disease to the peoples of the world we claim to "liberate".

For more information on Agent Orange, cluster bombs and depleted uranium go to:

Agent Orange Website

Cluster Bombs (Viewer Discretion due to Graphic Images)

Campaign Against Depleted Uranium

Depleted Uranium Education Project

10 August 2003

Have the salmon, but hold the PCBs

Salmon farmers are serving up the known cancer causing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to consumers who consume the farmed fish. This according to a study commisioned by the Environmental Working Group. There is no risk
from wild and canned Alaskan salmon says the article.
Iraqi family massacred by "trigger happy" US soldiers

As that moron in Crawford hosts a BBQ for fund raisers, American troops are gunning down children in Iraq. In an atrocious action, worthy of universal disdain and condemnation, US troops opened fire on a family at a checkpoint. The Independent reports that a father and his 3 children, one as young as 8 years old, were murdered in a hail of gunfire. These people were guilty of absolutely nothing except trying to get to their home. This as the lying hypocrite Bush says in his Saturday radio address "Life is returning to normal for the Iraqi people ... All Americans can be proud of what our military and provisional authorities have achieved in Iraq".

05 August 2003

Blood and gore ok, T and A not

Why is it that that the people who pull the strings in this society believe that the atrocious display of dead mutilated corpses to millions of people in the US and around the world is acceptable behavior. These same people would be absolutely livid if male and female genitalia were shown on the airwaves. The live breathing human body is apparently disgusting to these people, but dead battered bodies are presumably not. I have had it with the tolerance and outright encouragement of violent behavior and images in society while anything involving sexuality and nudity is offlimits.
Haliburton's bloody profits

Haliburton's quest for profits kills not only Iraqi's, but also their own workers.

03 August 2003

"War on terrorism", protecting us from 71-year-old nuns?

Were you an anti-war protester? I was. I guess I better get ready for an anal cavity search. Well actually I am probably safe for now, but I have my doubts. It seems the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has a list of anti-war activists, left-wing constitutional lawyers, and outspoken nuns singled out for special questioning and strip searches, according to an article in the Independent. Apparently, enjoying your civil rights in this country is a crime now. What was it the U.S. administration said we were supposed to be fighting to protect again?
Nuclear material for sale on the streets of Iraq

We did a great job of protecting the oil wells in Iraq, but that was about it. Everyting else was pretty much looted and destroyed. Now there are reports that there may be "400 potentially lethal radioactive sources" being sold by black marketers in Basra according to a story in the The Sunday Herald.

01 August 2003

Foolish Democrats

The Democrats cannot take the moral high ground on the Iraq issue. When the Democrats attack the Republicans on the war, the Republicans correctly point out many of the Democrats voted for the war. We need a new party. One that does not supprot war, capitalism and the destruction of human rights and the environment.
Maybe they should have tried priceline?

CNN Crossfire's Paul Begala tells co-host Tucker Carlson Bush wasted 1 trillion dollars on a tax cut for the rich while only 28 billion is allotted to the Department of Homeland Security. Thus, 6,000 airport screeners are being cut. Kudos Mr. Bush, I feel safer already! But thats not all. The stupidity continues. I would like to add a fact that Begala did not mention. Get ready for this one. Air marshalls will be cut from flights because there is no money to pay for their overnight stays at hotels! 5 billion a month wasted on Iraq and Afghanistan to no avail while stopping a sure fire way the terrorists used to attack us is not a concern of the Bush administration and its allies in Congress.
CNN..... get it straight

CNN, Cable News Network, or as I like to call it, Cowardly News Network, once again never ceases to pay homage to the Bush administration in their reporting. They continually maintain that Bush has "very high" poll numbers on national security while neglecting to point out that his poll numbers have dropped 10 points in a little over 3 months
US to world on Iraq: This land is our land

WMDs, Al-Queda, if you answered those as reasons the US went to war in Iraq, you would be wrong. What the US really is concerned about is mobile phone networks! With plenty of time to spare since giving up looking for WMDs, what the US military does now with its spare time is threaten to confiscate equipment of foreign phone companies! According to an article in the Independent, the US wants to get its hands on regional mobile phone licenses. The article states these are "almost certain to be one of the most lucrative contracts in post-Saddam Iraq". Now, to be sure, its not just phone licenses that acted as a casus belli for war, lest we forget about that rogue elixir now seeping through the walls of the White House and running through the veins of Bush and his junta. No, not alcohol, Bush kicked that long ago, this one he and his cadre of liers love to much to quit. Come on, you all know the word! Lets say it together now oiiiiiillllll.
I hate Bush...seriously

Article in the Independent on how the fool wants to run a gas pipeline through pristine rainforests in the Peruvian Amazon and enrich his Texas cronies. No, I am not making this up. I wish I was though, believe me.
What does the White house have to hide?

Could it be Papa Bush's connections to the corrupt, brutal regime of Saudi Arabia. Ill give you a link so you can decide for yourself.
Where have all the consumers gone?

Consumer's, whose spending fuels two-thirds of the US economy, sentiment is in the toilet. Contrary to what the crooks in the White House and their minions in Congress maintain consumers are not and will not benefit from Bush's tax cut, not now or ever. Wow! surprise there. You mean giving tax cuts to the rich does not produce "growth and jobs" benefiting the middle class and poor as the administration likes to ludicrously claim, and not so subliminily stick behind Bush's melon, every time Bush makes a speech on anything?! You must be kidding! Pretty soon you will be saying Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction!
Under Dumaya, safety is an illusion

If anybody believes the Bush administration, with its bloodthirsty "war against terror", is making us safer from terrorism, then read this.
There is only one kind of hummer for me, and its not the car

Great site for all those who oppose that obscene, disgusting, ridiculous, a**hole mobile, aka the Hummer.