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31 October 2003

The Bush administration and Congress is giving away what precious little is left of our old growth forests to loggers and their chainsaws!

Call, write, and visit your Congressional representative's offices and tell them to keep loggers away from our national forests!

The legislation passed in Congress under the absurdly misnamed and ironic title of a "healthy forests" initiative threatens to destroy the beauty and splendor of our beautiful wilderness areas.

The only thing it will be "healthy" for is the profits of the logging companies, like Boise Cascade, who give millions of dollars mainly to Republican Presidential and Congressional candidates (Democrats get a much smaller amount) so that they can pillage and destroy public property.

Individuals who log our national forests should be thrown in jail and their company immediately dissolved.

Stop these criminals from destroying our pristine wilderness!

Between 1879 and 1912, 85 percent of West Virginia's virgin forest was destroyed... by 1920, nearly all of the state's virgin forest's were gone

Save America's Forests

Global Trees Campaign

Interactive map of what deforestation has done to the world's original wilderness

Amazon Watch

Forest Conservation Portal

Using Fires to Blow Political Smoke

Bush administration policies are devastating our National Parks

Bush administration seeks to lift most rules protecting America's national forests

Greenpeace Delivers Old-Growth Slab to Interior Dept. to Protest Bush Forest Policies

Bush and Congess give green light for loggers to destroy America's old growth forests to make them more "healthy"

J. K. Rowling Backs Forest-Friendly Books

The Paper Campaign



30 October 2003

Haliburton is price gouging in Iraq, and the Republican led Congress votes to give away American tax dollars to the gougers

The Republican controlled Congress overturned the will of the majority in the United States Senate by voting to turn the $18.4 billion being sent to Iraq into a grant instead of a loan.

In a conference committee set up by the Republican leaders of the Congress (to reconcile differences between passed House and Senate legislation), it was decided to jettison the vote of the majority in the Senate who favored making the money a loan (the more largely Republican House previously voted to make it a grant)

I am quite certain that many cash strapped, jobless American taxpayers (whose money it is in the first place) would like the government to give them a "grant" for their expenses.

Medical bills, health insurance, rent, groceries, college tuition etc. are ever increasing, while people lose their jobs and incomes. Meager social safety net programs like welfare were ripped to shreds by Congress in the so called "boom years" of the late 1990's with the money instead going to the rich in the form of corporate welfare, tax cuts and offshore tax shelters.

No one in Congress fights for hard working and struggling Americans as vehemently as they did for the Iraq grant, which will only benefit the Haliburtons, Bechtels and Brown and Roots of the world while doing little or nothing for the Iraqi people or for establishing a stable terrorist free Iraq as was promised by the Bush administration and its allies in Congress.

The best way to secure a stable Iraq is for us to get out of it. No UN either, because the Iraqis will rightly just see that as an arm of the United States.

I suspect the same members of Congress who called for the money to be a grant would tell citizens struggling to pay their bills that they should get another job, and to use the resources at their disposal or they will have to simply go without.

The same isn't said about Iraq which sits on the second largest oil reserves on the planet.

These "play by the rules" American citizens most likely would not be given a Congressional backed loan to pay their expenses and they definitely would not get a grant, essentially "free money," for their needs.

Maybe these Americans should get into the oil business and put Dick Cheney on the payroll.

Senators Overturn Vote on Aid to Iraq

Reps: U.S. Overpaying Halliburton for Gas

U.S. Contractors Reap the Windfalls of Post-War Reconstruction

Lots of info about how Haliburton is having an (oil) field day in Iraq

Report Links Iraq Deals to Bush Donations

Group Says Iraq Contractors Donated Significantly to Bush's Campaign

Info on the "deals for donation" policy of the Bush administration

Nearly every Republican in the U.S. Senate votes to defeat inquiry into 9-11 hijacker financing

The amendment (sponsored by Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota), to a bill, would have urged President Bush to release information regarding sources of foreign support for the 9-11 hijackers. It suffered defeat at the hands of the Republican controlled Senate.

It wasn't all Republicans that voted in the negative; some Democratic Senators voted to defeat it also. They are:

Evan Bayh (D-IN)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Daniel Inouye (D-HI)
Zell Miller (D-GA)

Edwards, Kerry and Lieberman (all presidential candidates) were non-voting.

26 October 2003

The American government covered up the murder of its own troops by Israel in 1967

The Loss of Liberty – Why Did the U.S. Allow Israel To Attack Its Largest Spyship Killing 34 Americans and Wounding Over 170 Others? (you can listen to or watch the broadcast at this link)

Cover-Up Alleged in Probe of USS Liberty

Ironic, since the U.S. dramatically escalated its involvement in the war in Vietnam by passing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964 when the North Vietnamese mistakenly "attacked" the USS Maddox, a ship on spy patrol off North Vietnam's coast, thinking it was a South Vietnamese vessel. Five days later, the North Vietnamese supposedly launched another attack on the Maddox and another ship. The only damage the USS Maddox sustained (in the first incident) was superficial, due to a single machine gun bullet, and the alleged second attack five days later was determined by a Captain to be nothing more than an "overeager sonarman" who "was hearing (his) ship's own propeller beat" (see Vietnam War on Wikepedia).

The U.S. also started the Spanish-American war when they blamed an explosion on the USS Maine in Havana harbor in 1898 on the Spanish. The cause of the explosion is still unknown but it is universally accepted that it was not the Spanish since they had no interest in provoking war (see Spanish-American War on Wikepedia).

Thousands protested on both sides of the country this past weekend calling for an end to the American occupation of Iraq

Tens of thousands protest against Bush's Iraq policies in Washington

Dissent on the home front: families of US soldiers in Iraq lead anti-war protests

Confusing Occupation With Liberation

Bush administration trying to lay blame for their Iraq lies on the CIA

Battle looms over whether Iraq threat was oversold

Stop the spread of harmful fish farming now!

Deadly PCBs in Farmed Salmon

Debate grows over fish farms

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Seafood Watch

Lawsuits seek labeling of artificially colored salmon

EcoFish: Environmentally Responsible Seafood

Congressman Jim McDermott puts it on the record

McDermott still blasting out his message: Bush lied

24 October 2003

Violence getting worse in Afghanistan

The BBC says the situation in Afghanistan is worsening. With attacks on human rights and aid workers increasing in many parts of the country.

Bush's Afghanistan predicament

23 October 2003

Every American needs to listen, watch, or read the following stories

Click the following links then "Segment," to listen, "Watch 128k stream" or "Watch 256k stream" to watch or "Read Transcript" to read:

Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal on the "United States of Amnesia," 9/11, the 2000 Election and the War in Iraq

Dr. Helen Caldicott

As the White House Moves to Develop a New Generation of Nuclear Weapons, Dr. Helen Caldicott Speaks on Nuclear Proliferation and the Invasion of Iraq

Robert Fisk

As Attacks on US Soldiers Continue in Iraq We Talk to Robert Fisk who Just Returned from Fallujah

Robert Fisk on Wesley Clark & Iraq: "What is Happening Is An Absolute Slaughter Every Night of Iraqi People"

Edward Said

Edward Said on Israel, Palestine and the Most Recent Middle East Peace Plan

Howard Zinn

People's Historian Howard Zinn on Occupied Iraq, the Role of Resistance Movements, Government Lies and the Media

Michael Moore

Dude, Where's My Country? -Democracy Now! Interviews Documentary Filmmaker, Television Producer and Author Michael Moore

Tariq Ali

Bush in Babylon: The Recolonization of Iraq

"Without a Strong American Opposition We Are Doomed" - Renowned Author and Middle East Expert Tariq Ali Speaks Out on Iraq

William Rivers Pitt

"This Administration Is A Smash And Grab Robbery Writ Large" - Author and Political Analyst William Rivers Pitt Speaks Out On The Bush Administration and Iraq

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky on Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest For Global Dominance

Arundhati Roy

Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy, Buy One Get One Free – An Hour With Arundhati Roy

Powell Aid Says WMD Intelligence was Hyped Up (third story in the broadcast)

Colin Powell gave the green light for allowing Hussein to use poison gas in the 1980's

PBS Frontline: Truth, War and Consequences
Click the following link, then choose your bandwidth (high or low), to watch the full 90 minute program

Truth, War and Consequences

The Bush administration orders the Pentagon to prevent images of soldiers flag draped coffins from being seen by the American people for fear such images will expose the lies and failures of the invasion and occupation

Curtains Ordered for Media Coverage of Returning Coffins

White House bans news coverage of coffins returning from Iraq

A rare media exposure of Bush administration lies about Iraq - Television review: PBS’s Frontline, “Truth, War and Consequences”

Sen. Kennedy Says Case for Iraq War Was Fraud (great quote following article on similarity of Bush administration tactics to that of the Nazis)

Republicans want to tear up America's coastlines drilling for oil and gas

GOP Proposal May End Coastal Drilling Ban

Former Iran-Contra criminals used as intelligence sources by the Bush administration

Iran-Contra Figure Emerges in WMD Probe

Religious wacko general defended by the Pentagon

Pentagon Defends Gen. Who Chided Muslims

Australian citizens and politicians rip Bush for the Iraq War

Protesters to Bush: How Dare You?

17 October 2003

Bye Bye Rove... You're going down

Update: Rove interviewed by the FBI in the investigation into the White House leaking of a CIA operative.

Rove, McClellan Interviewed in CIA Probe

Karl Rove, Bush's chief political strategist, is a man whose name most Americans don't know, but should. Rove, the man responsible for Dubya's whole career in politics, is the architect of Bush's right wing agenda of war, environmental destruction, and attacks on civil rights.

He, along with Bush, should be in jail for that alone; however, he did something else that even the Republicans would have to admit is a crime: he was involved in blowing a CIA agents cover, which is a felony. The agent happened to be the wife of the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq. The same U.S. ambassador who blew the lid off the lies, which Rove helped orchestrate, regarding the now universally debunked claim of Iraq's supposed attempt to get uranium yellowcake from Niger.

On its face the Niger claim was ludicrous simply because: 1. Every ounce of uranium in Niger is strictly monitored by the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) and the French and 2. Iraq already had a whole bunch of yellowcake that they hadn't turned into weapons.

Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Rice, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz and many others in the current administration are criminals and need to be thrown out and incarcerated.

More links:

White House Denies Leaking CIA Identity

Does A Felon Rove The White House?

Niger president challenges Blair government over uranium allegations

Rove's Way

The crooks in Congress send hard working taxpayer dollars to Iraq

Sleaze like Achmed Chalabi (convicted embezzler), Haliburton (Cheney's alma mater and current cash cow) and Bechtel (read article entitled "Bechtel Wins Iraq War Contracts" here) are getting almost $20 billion dollars for reconstruction. A reconstruction that was supposed to cost U.S. taxpayers nothing, according to Rumsfeld and many others at the top in the Bush administration.

House Passes $87B Iraq, Afghanistan Bill

The U.S. government supports and aids Turkey who is guilty of killing more Kurds than Saddam ever did (read more on the Turks treatment of the Kurds here)

U.S sold out the Kurds to the Turks

  • The U.S. government, through its supply of weapons and money to Turkey, is responsible for killing more Kurds than Saddam Hussein

  • Estimates of the number of Turkish Kurds that have been killed, by the U.S. backed Turkish army, range as high as 50,000 and as many as a million of them have been displaced from their homes and villages by the Turkish military(Saddam's mass graves are being used to justify the invasion of Iraq; wouldn't an invasion of Turkey then be warranted because of their mass graves)

  • 75% of the weapons used in this murder were made in the U.S. (providing $15 billion to the U.S. defense industry)

  • The war in Turkey (on the Kurds) represents the single largest use of U.S. weapons anywhere in the world by non-U.S. forces, according to Bill Hartung of the World Policy Institute

  • Turkeys war on the Kurds got little coverage in the U.S. media, only Iraqi Kurds get coverage (presumably this was done to further demonize Saddam)

  • The U.S. and Turkey created "good Turks" (Kurds in Iraq fighting Saddam) vs. "bad Turks" (Kurds in Turkey fighting a U.S. ally)

Facts on Turkey's U.S. supported war against their Kurdish population

  • Human rights groups say that since 1991 more than 4,000 Kurds, including journalists, politicians, and citizen activists have been killed by (Turkish government backed) death squads

  • Large numbers of civilian Kurds are in Turkish prisons where organizations like Amnesty International say torture is commonplace; there are no POW's despite 15 years of war because Turkey says it captures most dead already

  • During the 1990's the Turkish army leveled, burned and forcibly evacuated 3,000 Kurdish villages, representing almost three quarters of settlements destroyed in Iraq in the 1980's under Saddam

  • Human Rights Watch says the U.S. armed Turkish army was "responsible for the majority of forced evacuation and destruction" of the Kurds and their villages

Let's fight the Arabs? Nothing new there

Europe, Turkey, and the Kurds

The United States vs. Iraq-- A Study in Hypocrisy

The Middle East and the United States: An Unpleasant Tale of Irony, Hypocrisy , and Misunderstanding

US policy toward the Kurds--a mass of contradictions

Human Rights Violations Against the Kurdish Minority in Turkey

Kurds distrust U.S. motives for the Iraqi war: "In 15 years 50,000 people died. We know war and we don't want it."

In south east Turkey about one million Turkish Kurds were driven from their homes and over 40,000 have been killed

Dozens of Kurds, Iraqis Slaughtered by U.S, Turkish Planes

15 October 2003

Jay Leno is Schwarzenegger's "poodle"

People called Tony Blair George Bush's poodle; I maintain he is sly like a fox (see my post of 10/7/03). Jay Leno, however, is Schwarzenegger's poodle.

The Recall Show With Jay Leno

Leno Got Schwarzenegger, Letterman Gets Davis

I just ask that people be consistent

I watched, a few days ago, as a woman who was interviewed on CNN's Crossfire, said, after just voting for Schwarzenegger, that Schwarzenegger was targeted with the supporting Hitler allegation because he is an Austrian (actually he implicated himself when he made favorable comments about Hitler during the filming of his career making film "Pumping Iron"; he refuses to release the "Pumping Iron" outtakes he bought up to keep concealed). This same woman said she wasn't really concerned about the groping allegations.

Other women who expressed support for Schwarzenegger held signs that said "Arnold, you can grope me," and "Gray Davis groped me, when he reached for my wallet." If that is the way these people feel, that groping is no big deal, and racist comments are O.K., then I call on all those people to not complain next time their co-workers, or anyone else gropes them or ethnically slurs them, to say its no "big deal." To most of these people, though, it probably will be a big deal. That is hypocrisy, and should not be tolerated.

Why were there trials, after World War II, for the Nazis, guilty in the murder of millions , but not for Uday and Qusay Hussein?

The world, led by the United States, had a trial at Nuremberg for the Nazis, who were responsible for genocide and some of the worst crimes humanity has ever witnessed, but no trial for Uday and Qusay?

The American media ghoulishly relished in delight at the presentation of the corpses of Uday And Qusay all over the media. This grotesque display of Saddam's sons did nothing but repulse most Americans.

Yes, for certain, these were terrible men who were despised rightfully by most people. They were truly brutal murders who delighted in bringing death and destruction to whomever they felt like at the moment. They embodied all the worst characteristics of their father, many Iraqis, in fact, hated his sons more than Saddam himself, but none of this justifies an execution of these men, and the little reported killing of one of their 14 year old sons, by U.S. forces.

A full criminal investigation of their crimes in a trial monitored by the international community, but conducted by the Iraqi people, would have done much more to heal the pain the Iraqis suffered under the tyrannical murderous regime of Saddam and his two sons than having Uday and Qusay meeting their demise at the hands of the U.S. occupying forces.

The extrajudicial murder of these two men was never questioned by the media. There really wasn't a satisfactory explanation put forth as to why they could not have been apprehended alive. The media never questioned the line of the U.S. military that there was "no choice" but to blow the hell out of the building housing the brothers and a teenage boy.

Maybe the Americans were trying to increase their support in the Iraqi population (which was never anywhere near as high as the U.S. maintained it was); reasoning that murdering these hated men would somehow endear the people to the illegal occupation of their country by the U.S.? The Iraqi public, at the time, began to become increasingly more angry and violent towards the U.S. occupation of their country. If that was the U.S. strategy it failed because the desire of the Iraqis to get the Americans out of their country only grew with attacks on U.S. forces actually escalating after the Hussein brothers death.

Could it be that the Americans wanted to try and break the resistance that they believed was being headed up by the Hussein bothers? Well that didn't work either because the attacks increased, growing even more fierce and frequent after Uday and Qusay were killed. Murdering Saddam's sons didn't really accomplish anything, but bolster the already prevailing view, especially in the eyes of the world's people, which sees the U.S. government as trigger happy cowboys who do what we want, whenever, and however we please. The world's impression of the U.S. has never been worse. Bush and the other warmongers in his administration, and their allies in the media and Congress, have squandered the good nature and support the world had for the U.S. after 9-11.

Or possibly is it because the U.S. didn't want to hear what they had to say? Namely, that their was no weapons of mass destruction program or that the one Saddam did have was ended right after or slightly before the end of the first Gulf War, as former chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix has suggested recently.

The policies of the Bush administration have ruined the lives of countless thousands of innocent American, Iraqi and Afghans by either killing or maiming in brutal attacks, or making them suffer the loss of loved ones due to our illegal acts of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The killing of Hussein's sons: the Nuremberg precedent and the criminalization of the US ruling elite

14 October 2003

We need a third party in this country now!

The majority of Democrats in Congress intend on voting for Bush's $87 billion dollar request for Iraq!

They are caving in; just like they did with the Iraq war vote. The decision to support Bush's disastrous policies by these cowards in Congress flies in the face of the majority of Americans who in the most recent poll are against sending the $87 billion dollars of their money to Iraq by a margin of 57% against sending it to 41% in favor.

Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Ari Fleischer all said that Iraqi oil revenue, frozen assets etc. would provide plenty of money for reconstruction; they said Iraq is a "rich country." Rumsfeld even said it wasn't the "responsibility of the U.S. to pay for Iraq's reconstruction." They are all filthy lying murderers who need to be impeached now!

We already wasted $78.5 billion in April; now these lying bastards in the Bush administration and their allies in Congress want another $87 billion. We would be foolish to think that this will be the end of the administration's money requests; Iraq is a money pit with the cash going right into the pockets of Haliburton and Bechtel as well as the rest of Bush and Cheney's oil buddies in Texas and elsewhere. This is a complete waste of money for a completely unnecessary and illegal war against a country that was not a threat to the United States in any way.

Bush is a lying criminal who, along with most of his administration, needs to be impeached now!

I propose that the $87 billion come out of the pockets of Bush and all the SOB's that supported this violation of international law and world peace.

We need a new political party; one that will stand up and fight for the will of the majority of Americans, and not for Bush's buddies like Haliburton and Bechtel!

Call your representatives in Congress. Find your House representative here and your Senate representative here and tell them to vote NO on the $87 billion.

Use recycled paper products!

New Leaf Paper: Environmentally Responsible, Economically Sound

The Rainforests - Actions You Can Take

13 October 2003

The United States backed a coup attempt in Venezuela last year and may now be trying to kill its highly popular leader

This according to an article entitled, Is the US plotting to murder Venezuela's president? posted on the World Socialist Website (WSWS).

The Venezuelan president's name is Hugo Chavez. Chavez is one of the most popular leaders in Venezuelan history. He has immense support in his country, mainly with the poor who have given him two consecutive popular electoral wins by the largest margins in Venezuelan history.

This situation sounds eerily similar to the U.S. role in overturning the highly popular and democratically elected Chilean president Salvador Allende in the first "9-11" back in 1973 (see my post of 9/13/2003 for more on the U.S. involvement in overthrowing Allende).

I highly encourage all to read the WSWS's complete article, but I will give some of its main points here:

  • Venezuelan intelligence uncovered an alleged U.S. CIA backed plot to sabotage Chavez's plane en route to the UN; Chavez then cancelled the trip; the little coverage the U.S. media gave to this story described Chavez as just being "paranoid" (not so think back on White House spokesman Ari Fleischer "one bullet" idea to get rid of a political enemy, that quote was aimed at Saddam Hussein and was used against his sons in a gross display of barbarism)

  • Chavez, hardly paranoid, was rightly concerned since in April 2002 a coup by a military-business alliance held power briefly (the Bush administration immediately voiced public support for the coup then recanted when popular revolt ousted the new rulers from power 2 days later) and forced Chavez to escape the presidential palace

  • The coup plotters were financed with U.S. taxpayer dollars and advised by no other than CIA veterans of the "contra" war in Nicaragua (elevated to positions of power in the State Department and the Pentagon by Bush) and right wing anti-Castro supporters operating in the U.S.

  • According to a Wall Street Journal article, Anti-Chavez troops from Venezuela, including one of the first officers to storm the presidential palace in the 2002 coup, are training with anti-Castro terrorist groups (who have already committed terror attacks in Cuba) in Florida (Florida newspapers also reported on the existence of the terrorist training camps)

  • The U.S., blaming Chavez for Venzuela's economic problems, supported last years 64 day shutdown of the oil industry (in a post-coup attempt to bring down the Chavez government) by the failed coup plotters and their supporters

  • The U.S., intent on destabilizing Venezuela and ousting Chavez, cut off all credit to Venezuela from the US Export-Import Bank in July

  • Charles Shapiro, the U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela, went to that country in person to support a recall petition drive to oust Chavez that was instigated by the opposition and, if successful, could occur this February; Shapiro, it should be noted, is a former official involved in heading up U.S. support, including equipment, training and intelligence (i.e. lists of names of army officers the US wanted removed), for El Salvador's brutal military dictatorship and death squads which kidnapped and disappeared 30,000 people and massacred thousands of peasants, including old people, women and children, in that countries' civil war (El Salvador was also the U.S. base of operations for U.S. support of the illegal "contra" war in Nicaragua against the democratically elected Sandista government whose leftist policies brought the ire of the U.S. government)

  • Chavez correctly pointed out the hypocrisy of the U.S. government in allowing terrorists, intent on overthrowing a democratically elected government in Venezuela, to train in Florida while maintaining it is waging a war on terror; Ambassador Shapiro actually said that the training of terrorists on U.S. soil "is not necessarily a crime."

  • The US is actually trying to brand Venezuela's Muslim community as terrorists with no evidence at all; it certainly is no coincidence that these alleged "terrorists" come from the world's fifth largest oil exporter

  • Chavez is a marked man in the eyes of the Bush administration because of his opposition to the U.S. war on Iraq, and Chavez's objection to seating a delegation from the US puppet Iraqi governing council at an OPEC meeting

Must reads:

The United States is a Leading Terrorist State

Why do they hate US?

US role in Salvador's brutal war

U.S. backs military rulers of El Salvador; 70,000 Salvadorans and four American nuns killed

Forgotten History: U.S. involvement in the slaughter of countless thousands of civilians from around the world by CIA trained and armed death squads and U.S. installed dictators (many countries profiled on this website)

08 October 2003

The politics of fear

The chairman of the California Republican party said yesterday on CNN that the Democrats are the "party of fear," but it is the Republicans and the Bush administration whose goal it is to keep people in fear (exploiting 9-11 by using terror alerts, supposed Iraqi imminent threats, and axis of evil comments, all used to keep people in fear) so that Bush's poll ratings would stay at the high levels it hit after the 9-11 attacks. The Republicans and the Bush administration use fear as a smokescreen to blur the reality of their failed policies.

07 October 2003

Tom DeLay, U.S. House Majority Leader: Enemy of the people

If one man can be the embodiment of all that I despise in someone; he would be Tom DeLay. He has been called "one of the most reviled thugs to hold public office in American history."

Its a well deserved moniker. This excuse for a human being actually had the nerve to call the Democrats "hypocritical" (Inside Politics, CNN 10/2/03) for calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to determine who in the White House committed a felony by releasing the name of a CIA intelligence officer who just happens to be the wife of the man who blew the lid off of the now universally debunked claim that Saddam Hussein tried to get uranium from Niger.

DeLay led the charge for the impeachment of former president Bill Clinton (he was the first one to call for his impeachment) claiming along with other Republican's, that an independent counsel, and not Janet Reno, was needed to investigate former president Bill Clinton to prevent a conflict of interest.

Tom DeLay is a rich right wing fanatic

  • He is a millionaire former owner of a pest control company

  • He is the religious rights favorite son

  • He wants creationism taught in schools

  • He is ideologically to the right of former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and even former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the architect of the notorious "contract with America"

Tom DeLay is the environment's number one enemy in Congress

  • He wants to dismantle the EPA, which he calls the "gestapo of government," and repeal environmental laws, like the Clean Air Act

  • He consistently lets lobbyists craft legislation exempting industries from environmental laws (the congressional district in Texas he represents is home to some of the worst industrial polluters in the nation and the state of Texas itself contributes a quarter of the nation's total toxic waste)

  • He says that the cancer causing insecticide DDT is perfectly safe

  • He says the bald eagle never approached extinction

  • In regard to acid rain, he says throwing some lime in a few lakes will solve that problem

  • He says global warming is a myth and a fraud

  • He has voted against bills to reduce airborne toxic emissions and to give assistance to communities with contaminated groundwater

  • He has even tried to stifle "right to know" provisions that enable citizens to find out what dangerous chemicals are being released by local industries

  • DeLay was the top House recipient of PAC money (in 1995) from interests seeking to avoid liability for toxic cleanups

Tom DeLay is vehemently against campaign finance reform

  • He fights relentlessly against any and all efforts to take money out of the political system

  • He says "money is the lifeblood of politics"

Tom Delay is the biggest hypocrite in Congress

  • He complains about the democrat's politicizing the outing of a CIA intelligence officer; however, he is one of the most politically motivated politicians on the hill, earning the knickname the "hammer" (for his ruthless fundraising tactics) and being the first one to call for Clinton's impeachment (for his affair with Monica Lewinsky)in the most politicized attack on a sitting American president in U.S. history

  • His hypocrisy knows no bounds; he actually demanded that the FBI investigate the journalists at Salon magazine who exposed House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde's adulterous affair even while calling for impeachment of Clinton for the same thing!

  • He even accused the White House of hiring a private investigator to investigate Hyde and then giving it to reporters; I wonder if he would say that Robert Novak (journalist who published the White House leak outing a CIA intelligence officer) was in collusion with the White House in enacting vengeance on former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Joe Wilson for Wilson's revealing that the Iraq-Niger uranium story was completely false

  • DeLay would issue talking points to Republicans in congress during Clinton's impeachment trial; he says it was "not partisanship", but just presentation of the "facts"

  • DeLay lied in a sworn deposition (the same thing he wanted Clinton impeached for) in 1994 arising from a dispute with a former business partner

More info:

Tom DeLay, Defender of Sweatshops

DeLay, Incorporated

Articles on Tom DeLay

Tom DeLay's brother, Randy, gets rich following him around Congress

The Wrath of DeLay

Prime Minister Tony Blair: Not necessarily a "poodle," but definitely sly like a fox

The sting in the poodle's tail

I stand by war in Iraq, says Blair

Blair 'Knew Iraq Had No WMD'

Those hypocritical bastards... The Bush administration actually wants more time to look for WMDs!

This represents the epitome of hypocrisy, and a perfect example of why I named my blog Hypocrisy Daily.

David Kay, the head of the CIA-led Iraq Survey Group which is leading the U.S. search for alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), wants six to nine months more to continue searching, arguing he needs more time to complete his work.

Why that sounds familiar, that is exactly what the UN inspectors wanted: more time; however, the U.S. and Britain wouldn't allow them to keep looking. Rather they launched an unjustified and murderous invasion that: killed and wounded countless thousands of innocent people (Iraqi and American), destroying lives and families, shattered post-WWII alliances in NATO, seriously damaged international relations at the UN, and cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars.

The only people who benefited were crooks like current Iraqi governing council head Achmed Chalabi (who stole millions of dollars from poor Jordanians bankrupting thousands many of whom committed suicide), Haliburton, Brown and Root, Bechtel, and all of the Bush administrations other cronies, the war profiteers, who lined up and were granted contracts outright (no bidding) to feast, as vultures do, on death and destruction.

These profiteering scum and their defense industry brethren (the U.S. bombmakers: the real manufacturers of the world's WMDs) are only concerned about their profit margins. The Bush administration is more than happy to do their bidding and that of the psycho warmongers (Wolfowitz, Perle, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc.) in the government who concocted this horrendous policy on Iraq.

More info:

1,200 Weapons Inspectors Spent 90 Days in Iraq. The Exercise Cost $300m. And the Number of Weapons Found? 0

Democrats Warn of 'Profiteering' in Reconstruction Contracts

Questions are Raised on Awarding of Contracts in Iraq

4,000 U.S. Non-Combat Evacuations in Iraq

Iraq: A Land Ruled by Chaos

U.S. foreign policy is the real cause of 9-11...

Here is but one example:

Bush refuses to criticize Israel's attack on Syria

Bring the troops home now! Let's not allow another soldier to be killed or wounded because of the Bush administration's completely unwarranted and illegal invasion of Iraq

3 U.S. Soldiers Killed in 2 Attacks Near Baghdad

05 October 2003

Fight the recall of Governor Gray Davis: California's democratically elected Governor

I urge all citizens of California to vote no on the recall. The recall campaign is not about the people of California or fixing California's economy; it is simply an attempt by the Republican right wing to steal the governorship. The recall was bought and paid for by an extremely conservative multimillionaire congressman from San Diego (Darrell Issa) who wants to overturn the will of the people as expressed in the election of Davis.

The Republicans, realizing the people of California are not interested in having them run the state, have resorted to using an obscure California law and patently undemocratic means to overturn a fair and just election merely because they didn't like the result (the election of Davis).

This is an affront to the democratic process. It must be resisted by all people who believe in democracy and the right of the majority to decide who they want to lead them, as was accomplished in the election of Davis just a few months ago.

Three years ago the Supreme Court helped a candidate steal the highest office in our nation; however, this time the people of California, at least, have the opportunity to defend democracy and the right of ones vote to count in an election, an opportunity that millions of Americans wished they had in 2000.

The majority has spoken clearly in electing Gray Davis; it is now up to the people of California to defend America's great system of democracy and the will of its people.

The Supreme Court was complicit in bringing injustice and shame to our electoral process, but the people of California have a chance to bring back some of its honor. I sincerely hope they do not just for California's sake, but for the sake of all Americans.


Some anti-recall slogans I came up with for the people of California:

Groping women, Adolph Hitler: Hey Arnold, get a clue, this is California; we do things different here...

Hey California... Do we really want to be another notch on Arnold's belt...

Arnold apologized for groping women; what will he say after he rapes California...

03 October 2003

Hundreds of billions for Iraq, but barely a billion to keep our nations passenger rail system running

Murray's efforts key in keeping Amtrak on track

Farmers committing a "a crime against all humanity" as they relentlessly chop and burn one of the world's few remaining biologically diverse and important forests

A steady onslaught of clearing in North America's largest rain forest likely will lead to its demise

British politician says Iraq invasion was a "political disaster" in which Blair's "cabinet was complicit"

War was a political disaster for Labour and Cabinet was complicit, says Cook

02 October 2003

Orangutan's are going extinct: a coming catastrophe that must be stopped

Orangutans Could Go Extinct in 20 Years

Fear and extremism threaten women's rights and freedoms in U.S. occupied Iraq

Iraqi Women No Better Off, U.N. Official Says